Fatoohat e Shia
Author: Moulana Nasir Hussain Najafi Category: History, Shia Books Publisher: Mubaligh e Azam Academy Published: August 19, 2017 ISBN: N/A Pages: 300 Country: Pakistan Language: Urdu Dimension: 25 × 20 cm File Size: 5.62 MB More DetailsFatoohat e Shia is a rare collection of Munazrat e Mubaligh e Azam Moulana Muhammad Ismail R.A. Authored by Moulana Nasir Hussain Najafi. The book covers a lot of memorable Munazrat, Debates, and Speeches of Moulana Muhammad Ismail (R.A).
Moulana Muhammad Ismail (A.M)
Muhammad Ismail was a converted Shia, he was grown up in a Deobandi School of thought in Muslims. He studied at Dar Ul Uloom Deoband, and later in his life, after a comparative study and debate with a Shia Scholar, he became Shia. This book Fatoohat e Shia covers it all + his debates after becoming Shia.
Moulana Nasir Hussain Najafi was very close to Muhammad Ismail and attended most of his Debates with Sunni Scholars. So, he worked hard, collected, and compiled Muhammad Ismail’s Debates.
Fatoohat e Shia Urdu Pdf
This is a masterpiece for the Shia community and most of the Shia Munazireen became Munazir after reading this book and the Debates of Moulana Muhammad Ismail (Ex Deobandi).
Moulana Muhammad Ismail was also invited to a conference against Qadianis in 1974 and he won the case for Muslim umma, and Qadianis were declared non-Muslims in the constitution of Pakistan.
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